IDM UltraSentry v4.0 英文正式版(磁碟和註冊表清理軟體) 安裝序號:
序號產生器放至於keygen夾內 內容說明:
UltraSentry 是一款先進的軍事等級的磁碟和註冊表清理工具。可自由配置的安全設置可以
按要求運行或者按時間表運行,完全地隔離你的隱私,加強安全性。 英文說明:
UltraSentry is a highly advanced military-grade disk and registry
cleaner that has on-board, fully configurable security profiles
that can run on demand, as scheduled or upon event. UltraSentry
features an impressive range of commands that completely insulate
your privacy, security, and computing needs both at work and at
home. Schedule UltraSentry to watch over your computer, sensitive
files, and protect your privacy while you are away. 相關商品: